Alex Brown Alex Brown

Business sustainability grants

Responsible travel is on the rise as consumers are looking to reduce their impact on the planet. Grants are available to support South Australian businesses to undertake sustainability assessments and implement recommendations. Reviewing your business could identify some simple actions that you could take to improve your sustainability.

There’s no doubt that responsible travel is on the rise as consumers are looking to reduce their impact on the planet. Sustainable and eco-friendly travel is being sought after and it’s becoming expected that businesses are implementing a variety of green practices that take action on environmental, social, economic and ethical sustainability.

An opportunity is available to support South Australian businesses to undertake sustainability assessments, business case development and implement assessment recommendations.

Up to $15,000 per applicant is available from the Asset-Implement-Monitor (AIM) Grants

comprised of:

  • up to $10,000 for an assessment – co-contribution 2:1 (GISA:Applicant)

  • up to $5000 (1:1) to implement assessment recommendations that meet eligibility criteria

Find out more about the program and if you’re eligible here. The grant program will close on 20 March 2023.

Rammed earth walls at Ecopia Retreat, Kangaroo Island.

Image: @jennsomewhere

A grant could help you make an assessment of your business and identify some simple actions to improve your sustainability for instance:

·       Environmental improvements: water, energy, waste

·       Carbon offset programs

·       Providing bicycles, walking maps and information on public transport

·       Providing seasonal, local and plant-based products on your menus

·       Relationships with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

·       Building community pride by actively promoting local crafts, artists and businesses

·       Providing clear walking trails in sensitive natural areas

·       Offering paperless tickets, vouchers or confirmations

·       Tourism Accreditation, Ecotourism Certification programs, or Sustainability Awards

·       Incorporating a sustainable procurement policy

If you’re looking for further help to start your sustainability journey  Eco Tourism Australia have launched the Strive 4 Sustainability Scorecard that is designed for all sectors of the tourism industry. The scorecard allows businesses to measure and assess their business following four pillars of sustainability.

Taking the time to explore improved sustainability can give you a new marketing tool that will allow you to promote to your customers your ongoing commitment to green / responsible travel.

Enquire with Alex Brown, Director to discuss your business planning or for grant writing.

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Alex Brown Alex Brown

small grants now available - nature Based tourism.

Nature based tourism small grants of $2,000 up to $15,00 are now available for experiences which take place in South Australia’s national parks, reserves, botanic gardens and on crown land. I’m here to help business owners who find the grant process overwhelming by offering a grant writing service.

With international borders set to open on 23 November 2021 it’s time to start thinking about your business and planning to welcome new visitors. Business innovation by enhancing your visitor experience or developing a new tourism product may be a good place to start to gain some new news about your business and drive sales.

To assist with this the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) have opened the Nature Based Tourism Small Grants Program for experiences which take place in South Australia’s national parks, reserves, botanic gardens, historic shipwrecks and on crown land. Grants of $2,000 up to $15,000 are available for eligible projects including:

·         Seasonal or pop-up tourism experiences

·         Commercial and/or cultural tours

·         Interpretive, educational or interactive programs

·         Temporary or portable visitor facilities

·         Events that encourage visitation.

Now that I have your attention, I have some event better news. The best part about this grant program is that you don’t need to front up matching funds to support the application. DEW have acknowledged the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and developed a program that supports to the tourism industry.

Kata and Belle, Eyre Peninsula. Image credit Kate Potter.

So if you’re wondering what can be funded? Here’s a list of expenditure that is eligible for funding:

·         operational expenditure

·         marketing and advertising

·         engagement of short-term personnel

·         purchase or lease of equipment and transportation such as vehicles, trailers, bikes, kayaks and boats.

If your entrepreneurial mind is now racing and you are ready to take the next step, I’m here to help business owners who find the grant process overwhelming by offering a grant writing service. Look no further as I can assist with writing, managing administration and grant reporting requirements. The devil is in the detail, and I will navigate the process and assist to strategically align your project to the government strategies and priorities.

Get in quick applications close on Friday 3 December 2021 at 2pm.

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